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Josie Man

“I grew up shy and different” Josie Man remembers. ‘And I must still be different because so many people seem so keen to point that out to me.’

Instead of snuggling into her shyness Man, 21, whose first single ‘Colours’, released 7th November, articulates her liquid heart - and the confidence she finds in her difference - throughher fresh groovy music and videos.

“My dad’s family come from San Tin in Hong Kong. Everyone’s surname in the whole district is ‘Man’, and the Man Clan has exported itself all over the world. In our case, to South London.” Man’s mum is also from Catford. “However much love you are surrounded by - and my sisters and I are surrounded by an amazing amount of unconditional love - it’s still a mind soup to feel that you never quite fully understand, and are never fully understood, even by either side of your own family.” Let alone the rest of the world.

“When I was little and surrounded by both my Cantonese-speaking and South East London family, I invented my own language and my own universe of colours and symbols,” Man explains. “I learnt that there is more than one way to be. Rules of being can be blurred, you know, like - it’s okay to eat baked beans with chopsticks - and it’s okay to love Hawaiian ukelele music just as much as you love Bill Withers.”

Josie Man’s music is Identity Pop. It comes from a place and this time when the loudest voices are also the cruellest, where your reluctance or inability to conform to other people’s idea of what you should be marks you out as a target. Unsafe. The untrusted other.

“There is enough conflict around to last us a billion lifetimes” she says. “I make music to find out who I am and to see and hear what’s in my soul. I make music because I hope it will make people happy – because with kindness, comes with happiness. I make my music to offer myself and my friends security. People can be so mean. But so much of that cruelty comes from insecurity: I just want everyone who listens to want to dance and hug each other!”

In Josie Man, Identity Pop has found its voice. In a klaxon world where haters double down, her siren voice speaks for the multi universe of all of us.

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Josie Man - 'Just Me'
Josie Man's YouTube